Syd "jumping" in the picture! (baha)
Derek and Ry guy
The cutest Birthday boy ever!!!
Me at Derek's grandma's house
Our cute little neice Taysia. I love her BIG brown eyes!
Derek with our nephew Jarom at Derek's grandma's the night before we left.
Mine and Sydni's engagement photo!! HAHA I love this girl!
Dawson's and the Pasley's just "hangin" out. Baha
Also... something really awesome that just happened to Derek and I is Derek got a job!!!!! YAHOOO!!!!! Finally, a huge stress has been taken off of our load!! Derek actually got the job through one of my patient's. Someohow one of my pateints figured out I was LDS, and he is a convert. The more we started talking, we figured out that we are in the same stake and associate with some of the same people. About 2 months of working with him he asked me if my husband was looking for work b/c they were looking to hire someone.... Anyways, after 2 interviews and a drug test, they called Derek today at 8:30 in the morning and asked him to start at 9. As you can see we are ecstatic that he has a job now!! We are so blessed, this is the best Christmas present we could have ever asked for!!!!