Happy Valentines Day everyone!!! I love V-day b/c you get to share it with the ones you love, and it gives you a reason to celebrate without spending too much money! I hope everyone is having a great weekend with the ones they love!!! V-day is the best!!
Last night Derek and I celebrated by going out to eat sushi at a place called RA sushi. The sushi was amazing and it was a pretty fun atmosphere, but.... the only thing I would change is for them to turn down their music. They have their music blaring SOO loud that you can barely carry on a conversation. Other than that, it's a great place with amazing food!!
RA sushi has happy hour from 3-7 where a select choice from their menu is half off. I LOVE happy hour!! We got 4 rolls of sushi for about 12 bucks. Not too shabby at all!! B/c we went during happy hour it was a little crowded so there was a small wait. The manager came out and told us that b/c we were first timers and b/c of the wait he was going to get us free dessert. So for our dessert we had fried bananas with caramel and rasberry drizzled on top, and a side bowl of chocolate ice cream. It was my first experience with fried bananas... it was probably my last too... but Derek was a fan so that is good!! I hope you are all having a great Valentines, love you all!!
Here is a picture of our fried banana. I took a picture when we were halfway done eating... my bad!!

This were the cool decorations that were dangling from the ceiling. It was dim lighting but it set the mood very nicely!

This was our to go bag. Haha I thought that the little saying "Take me I'm yours" sounded like a Valentine... so again... it set the mood quite nicely haha.

It was a bummer that I forgot to take a picture of our sushi... but dang was it good!! Here we are happy as can be waiting for our food to come out. I loved the decorations and the background of our booth that we were sitting at. We could NOT take a picture for the lives of us!! haha our camera blurs so easily, and when our camera kept flashing in the dimly lit room, everyone kept staring at us. Therefore... we didn't attempt to take too many picture b/c we felt silly... so here is the least blurry I could get for you bloggers!! Sorry folks!