Here is a picture of the front of our house.
Here's the back view of the house.
The weather is changing, and we only have 1 more day of August. I can't believe how FAST the summer flew right past me! I'm still not completely sure how I feel about the weather changing. 1 year in Arizona may have converted me to warm weather for life. I will admit though, that I do love the seasons, and while we were in Arizona I sure did miss seeing the seasons change right before my eyes. Hopefully I can find a way to stay warm so I can enjoy this Idaho weather.
We had an awesome summer filled with fun family memories. Camping, huckleberry picking, Lagoon, barbecues, fun days at the park, Yellowstone, Jackson Hole, jet skiing, boating, 4th of July parade and fireworks, summer evening walks, MOVING, game nights, starting a new job, lots of house projects (not only for our house, but helping others), lots of laughing, and being surrounded by the people I love!
This is my very attractive get up while huckleyberry picking! While already in Rigby visiting family, Derek remembered that we were invited to go pick huckleberries. I was in shorts and flip flops, and it had just finished raining. Luckily, Derek had an extra pair of tennis shoes, and Thayne had a sweater for me. I look really good in men's oversized clothing. :)
Sitting around the campfire while camping! :) I love this boy!!
Yellowstone with my family and Julia's friend Holly.
My little monkey Taysia at my nephew's wedding. I love this little sweetie!
The Dawson crew at Lagoon.
Derek and I jet skiing. I LOVE this picture! Judy Pasley took this picture, she does an AMAZING job!! If any of you need any photos.... she's the woman! :)