Arizona summers can be brutal. Today is 112 degrees.... that's hot! In order to survive the summer here in AZ you basically live indoors or in the pool. Here is what we've been up to this summer.
Derek took his boards the end of June. After boards were done we went out to dinner with our good dental buddies. I don't know what we'd do without them! Derek is in a study group with 3 other guys, and luckily us wives are great friends as well. The 4 of us couples are good buddies. Us wives get together Monday nights and watch The Bachelorette. The hubbies all get together when they aren't studying and do whatever it is that guys do... usually play nintendo. Once we found out that all 4 of the boys had passed, we once again celebrated by grilling at our house and playing games.
Celebrating with dental friends |
Monday mornings every week our ward does a playgroup. During the summer we pool hop to different apartment pools or people's pools in our ward. It's so much fun! Levi is a little hesitant about the water and usually spends his time hanging out on the steps with the 1 year olds, and he throws random toys in the water and I fetch them for him. Play group is the best for the kids to get out of the house and play with friends, and for us moms to get some social interaction in.
Tuesdays we would go to the Summer Movie club. Which all that means is we would go to the movie and watch whatever kid show was playing that week. When we first started going Levi was afraid of the theater. It was dark and loud.... but by the end he was begging all week to go to the movies. He LOVES going to the movies now.... and it was amazing getting out of the heat and sitting in a cold theater.
Movies!! |
Wednesday we would go to Music Time. The relief society leader in our ward is a music instructor at the middle school. She decided to do a music time for all the toddlers in the ward. She did an amazing job, and Levi practically lived for this day of the week. He's so sad it's over, but continues to sing all of the cute little songs and does the actions with it. She had awesome puppets and musical instruments, and even I looked forward to music time because it was so much fun!
We didn't have anything planned the rest of the week so basically we would play it by ear. We are having such a fun summer, and this is the last summer Derek will ever have off again. So we've loved spending time with him. He has stayed busy all summer working on projects. He's refinished a china hutch, built a cute bench and book shelves in the play room, repainted the entertainment center and built cupboard doors for them, built tons of decorations, and he even taught me how to build an entryway table. I LOVE being married to a handyman. It's pretty hott watching him build, and he has saved us soooo much money because he can fix and build almost anything. He does such a great job, I really don't trust other people working on our things because Derek always does a perfect job.
Front entryway table Derek helped me make |
Some other things we've done this summer are gone to Chuck E Cheese (Levi asks to go every day, so we've been 3 times now), music time at the mall, Levi got invited to his first birthday party last weekend, play dates, chalk paint with friends, homemade puffy paint, library, went to an 80's themed birthday party, and I surprised Derek and took him on a fun date. We went and ate some yummy Thai food, then went to Casey's and played mini golf and did the batting cages. I'm embarrassed to admit how long it's been since we've gotten a babysitter and went on a legit date. It was so much and it made me feel pretty giddy haha.
Levi is TERRIFIED of Chuck E Cheese (yet he asks to go everyday) |
Chuck E Cheese |

Chalk paint with friends |
Library impromptu puppet show |
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